Best Torrent Porn Sites
The Best Torrent Porn Sites
Sharing is caring, so let’s share porn!
Torrent sites are not a new thing, and the idea of peer to peer file sharing is even older. Many older internet users remember Napster, a cool program that allowed users to download stuff from each other. Unfortunately, it got banned, but the new technologies revolving around the same idea have been discovered. The sites that we are talking about exploit the same idea, but on the much larger scale, and let the users from all around the world connect and share files between each other. Like with many other great ideas that are related to media and the internet, this one too was seen as a great thing by the porn lovers. They immediately started using it for sharing porn, as it is ideal for doing it. Even though one has to install a client software and learn how to use it, it is well worth it, and many people enjoy in not only downloading all kinds of porn but also uploading it and enjoying the fact that they helped it spread. Some people seed porn flicks because they like to be helpful, and even the ones that never uploaded a file in their lives choose to share, knowing that they owe their orgasm to someone who let them download their porn.Peer to peer porn sharing pays out in the long run
Even though torrent files sometimes can be downloaded really fast, in just a matter of minutes if there are enough seeds with that file, sometimes there are not many peers and one has to wait a really long time for a file to be downloaded. Seeing that a download will be done tomorrow sounds like a complete waste of time, but the fact that so many people are using these protocols tells that there is much more to it. The truth is that there is an enormous amount of files that are shared and that many of them can not be found by other means. So if you are a true porn collector and you have the chance to download a rare DVD, of course that waiting until tomorrow would not be a problem at all. The same goes to all the fetishist that are in constant search for the titles that can’t be found elsewhere, they are much more satisfied with receiving them later than never.An endless amount of porn waits for downloading
With an estimated amount of 15–27 million concurrent users at any time, torrent files are responsible for a major amount of the internet traffic. Porn files are frequently shared via P2P clients, but the question is: where to find them? Clients make only sharing possible, and the files to be shared have to be found elsewhere. That is why there is a lot of websites that provide links that will let you download porn, and we have selected the best ones here. Not only that these sites offer a seemingly endless amount of files to be downloaded, they also provide general information about them. Every post has crucial info, such as length, year of production, and most importantly, the set of thumbnails that depicts the action. That way, one can be sure that they are not wasting time on downloading a crappy porn with a fancy title, everything is as clear as day. Also, even though they sometimes take more time to download, these files are often high-quality DVD rips, making the waiting worth it. With all that being said, it is no wonder that these sites have a steady flow of visitors.P2P sharing makes finding porn easier
Even though we mentioned that one needs a special software to download porn via torrent files and that it sometimes takes some time, there is a much higher probability that you will find what you are looking for on these sites than on others. The sites that we are representing here have huge lists of porn movies, and it is safe to say that majority of all porn can be found here. The sites that deal with third-party hosts often offer the similar variety of content, but not only that their downloads are also slow, they often require a file to be downloaded in parts, making you check your PC more often. On the other hand, P2P file sharing lets you leave the computer to do its job and do not require any action once the downloading starts. Combined with the almost unlimited choice of files that the sites on this page offer, they make finding desired porn movies much easier, and when you see how easy it is to get your hands on almost any porn scene, you’ll join the millions that already use this technology to download and watch porn almost every day.

At first, this site looks like any other site that hosts links to downloadable content via peer-to-peer file sharing applications, except for the facts that it deals exclusively with porn.

Even though this site is in Russian, all the sections’ titles are written in English too, and that is all that you need to browse this free P2P porn site.

Even though this site isn’t reserved only for porn, and provides links to tons of movies, their adult section is still big enough to make you wanna check it out.

A cool site that requires a free registration form to be completed before giving access to its file sharing network that contains tons of downloadable porn movies of all kinds.
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