Site Review
With well over 2800+ HD videos and 1000 models where you can download all of the content for free, just might be the best Asian site that’ son the market. When we say Asian, we actually mean Arab, but this is a matter of geography. The site itself has exclusive content with outstanding Pakistani babes who are around 18 and 25 years of age. Considering their rules on porn in their country, these babes are doing it hardcore.Some of the videos are 5 minutes long and there are some that are 30 minutes long. The content is uploaded on a regular and we checked it out, and it seems as if it is daily. There are also options to check out some live shows featuring real Pakistani models. So you get a 2 in 1 kind of a deal. You can also submit your own videos but, you need to be Pakistani to pass the screening process.
If you want to become a member of the site, then you have a Trial Acess that would run you $9.95 or for a year, $89.95. Considering what it is that you are getting, this is a very cheap price to pay.
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