Site Review

hclips can easily lay claim to being the world’s best FREE amateur porn tube. With over 800,000 videos of differing SD to HD quality, I dare say that HClips is more than a decent place for lovers of porn. You can sort the videos of your desire by your inclination- straight, gay or shemale. The categories are plenty- hundreds in fact and the choice could actually be a task in itself- so vast is the site’s collection! The technicalities of the site may not be very complicated which is actually a boon to users.

Since most of the content is niche based, there’s a lot on offer as compared with other similar sites. The play time of the videos isn’t much and could be a concern. However this doesn’t mean that there are no lengthy videos- there are. In fact, there are full-length movies too. But then, with everything being free, there is not much room to complain, right? The mouse-over preview of videos provides the user an insight into what to expect. The best part is that the entire content is available to stream or download. A user may upload videos for submission too. That is what keeps the HClips fresh with loads of content!


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